Akademi Fantasia 7

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Akademi Fantasia 7

Satu Transformasi Akan Bemula

    Komen Mr.Manager Tentang Konsert 1


    Posts : 31
    Join date : 15/03/2009
    Age : 34
    Location : di Bilik Mandi

    Komen Mr.Manager Tentang Konsert 1 Empty Komen Mr.Manager Tentang Konsert 1

    Post  Admin Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:56 pm

    Beauseant! Beauseant! Beauseant!
    Sunday, March 15, 2009
    AF7 KONSERT PERTAMA : Ke mana hilangnya tarian dan lagu Menuju Puncak?

    Transformasi katanya! Ambik kau!

    At the press conference immediately after the concert, the first question shot by the press was “kenapa tidak ada tarian dan lagu Menuju Puncak?”

    And the official respond came from two individuals. Khairul Mizan, Programme Manager of RIA, said, “para pelajar belum sedia,” while the Principal, Datin Sri Tiara, added, “ini salah satu transformasi AF7 tahun ini.” They also stated that the song was performed at the opening of the show as a 'surprise' by the dancers.

    The second question shot by the press was “kenapa para pelajar tidak ada tag lines tahun ini?” to which Khairul Mizan said it was a change to allow more time for performance and singing.


    Personally, I don't have an opinion on the 'transformation' of the format of AF. Lantaklah no tag lines and no Menuju Puncak. The more sentimental AF fans would lament the move away from tradition but it is ultimately the producers' prerogative and call to craft AF7 as they think best. So let's give them some room to breathe. It is, after all, the first concert.

    The show has borrowed a few leaves from the American Idol book. Excellent! Less wasting of time and a sharper and snappier run. I say, GO FOR IT!

    Let's now talk about the concert itself. If in previous years I refrained from commenting on the teaching staff and the jury, I'm taking a different stance this year.

    The jury had plenty of air-time this first concert. Excellent if it had been Simon Cowell. But unfortunately, none of them came close. And so it dragged. And dragged. And dragged. And by the middle of the concert, most of the members of the audience in the hall (including myself at some points) began to mentally stray or chatter when the jury were critiquing. What they were spouting were either irrelevant, stating the obvious or just not inspiring. Adlin was the sole voice of reason (when he wasn't regurgitating his engagement).

    Edrie Hashim: Edrie, you're a friend of mine, but I have to ask you this. Were we watching the same show, buddy?

    Dato' Khatijah Ibrahim: Dato', kindly stop borrowing from American Idol :-)

    Adlin Aman Ramlee: Spot on! Thank you for being concise and on the ball and saving the day.

    The host AC Mizal was well-scripted, well-dressed and delivered his script well. Except for that wrong name boo boo.

    On to the production. I like the stage! Very minimalist and clean and functional! But I believe we'll see a gradual 'transformation' as weeks go by? Nice space, with blackout curtains all around.

    The lighting was beautiful and almost theatrical. Cantik! Well done, lighting designer! However, don't you think it was a tad dark, perhaps, for television?

    Now the sound. I don't know how it sounded on TV but in the hall it was simply bad.

    1. The acoustics of a cavernous stadium would be a nightmare for any sound engineer. So I understand that teething problems will happen. But please rectify the reverb issue asap. Don't say it can't be done. If Madonna can do it, so can you. YELLOW CARD.

    2. The balancing and mixing of band and voice was shabby and inconsistent. What do you guys do during sound check??? Guys, this is Akademi Fantasia. Top rated show of the nation. This shouldn't have happened. Not even at the first concert. That's what full dress rehearsals and sound checks are for. RED CARD.

    3. Adila's microphone not working was just sheer carelessness. Come on, it's the first song of the season! Pay a bit more attention, Mr. Sound Engineer? On the ball, people! RED CARD.

    Stadium Sri Putra. OK, this place is huge and it gave the feel of a Final Concert! Was the hall too big for the students and did it swallow them up? Yes and No. The meeker students simply drowned in the sheer size of the room but the more confident students revelled in its grandeur. It's sink or swim. The onus is now on the faculty to teach the kids to 'work' the room. But good choice of venue all the same.

    My only problem with the stadium was the air-conditioning or LACK THEREOF. By the end of the concert, I was perspiring. YELLOW CARD.

    The outfits. If AF is going down the American Idol road, fine. Keep it clean, smart, trendy and almost unobtrusive. The focus should always be the performance. But this was hardly AI in its execution. If anything, all the outfits worn by the kids looked uncoordinated, shabby, dull and drab. Uninspired would be the best description. Why? This is a TELEVISION SHOW, not some sombre post-modern uber-fashion parade. Was the production not prepared? RED CARD.

    The band led by Acis was tight. No issues, except some songs should have been arranged in more suitable keys for some students. But we'll talk about that later.

    Now, on with the reviews!

    For the first concert, I won't be going into the details of technique and voice production because honestly, how much technique can the kids learn in less than a week? To be fair, let's just assess them on their tones (voice quality), performances (use of space, graph and energy levels), interpretations of their songs (feel), delivery (vocals) and the levels of 'entertainment' they provided (did they bore me to tears or excite and entertain me or simply left me cold? Memorable or forgettable?). As with each season, I will continue the practice of awarding STARS as well. A quick recap.

    0 STAR - Atrocious
    1 STAR - Bad
    2 STARS - Average
    3 STARS - Above average
    4 STARS - Good
    5 STARS - Excellent

    Please note that I am critiquing their stage show ONLY, and that their off-stage personas and personal backgrounds as portrayed in the diary do not have any bearings whatsoever on my reviews.

    ADILA - Di Bawah Pohon Asmara (Jaclyn Victor)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: Flat and tired.
    Interpretation: What interpretation?
    Delivery: Pitchy and bad breathing. Haiyo. Manyak susah ini satu Cikgu Siti Hajar.
    Entertainment: Boring.
    Mr. Manager says: No impact whatsoever. Next! (Don't blame the sound cock-up. That's part of show business.)

    0 STAR

    SIDI - Terima Kasih Cinta (Afgan)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: Nervous, nervous, nervous!
    Interpretation: He did try lah. But went nowhere.
    Delivery: Pitching ke Laut Cina Selatan nun sampai New Zealand siap bawak balik biri biri! Timing kurang lebih kucing saya yang pandai tepuk tin biskut. Learn to breathe!
    Entertainment: Dreadfully boring. Dik, ni bukan karaoke, dik!
    Mr. Manager says: Next!

    0 STAR

    ZIZI - Molek (Elyana)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: Confident. But not consistent.
    Interpretation: Average and nondescript.
    Delivery: Not many technical issues.
    Entertainment: Ada showmanship lah. But still forgettable.
    Mr. Manager says: The song should have been raised at least a tone or two higher. She was struggling in her lower range.

    1 STAR

    YAZID - Penghujung Rindu (Jamal Abdillah)

    Tone: Sedap.
    Performance: Entahlah. I don't know if I was watching a singing show or a torture session. The boy was petrified! I actually felt sorry for him.
    Interpretation: Sincere. But the boy just couldn't get it right.
    Delivery: Out. Pitching ke Nigeria, breathing ke Pakistan dan timing ke Jepun. Cikgu Siti, you have my sympathy.
    Entertainment: I.Was.Not.Entertained.
    Mr. Manager says: His hair is scary. Please help him, someone. (Matilah aku kena ban by his fan club!)

    0 STAR

    ISMA - Sepi (Yuni Shara)

    Tone: Sedap.
    Performance: Started off strong, then fizzled out. No climax.
    Interpretation: There was something here, but I didn't quite get it.
    Delivery: Good. Kept in tune and time. Breathing can be improved.
    Entertainment: Mildly exciting for a few moments. Then forgettable.
    Mr. Manager says: Next.

    2 STARS

    AKIM - Hatiku Kau Luka (Alleycats)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: Confident. Maybe even a bit berangan.
    Interpretation: Good acting. But the fake bits were pretty obvious.
    Delivery: Pitch, time and breathing all ok. But he needs to work on his projection and support.
    Entertainment: His moves were funny, and hence, entertaining.
    Mr. Manager says: I'll be watching you closely because you seem the cocky type. Not good if you want to live long and peacefully in this industry.

    2 STARS

    CLAUDIA - Sempurna (Andra & The Backbone)

    Tone: Dayang Nurfaizah.
    Performance: Dayang Nurfaizah.
    Interpretation: Dayang Nurfaizah.
    Delivery: Dayang Nurfaizah.
    Entertainment: Macam tengok Dayang Nurfaizah buat show.
    Mr. Manager says: She even looks like Dayang Nurfaizah! Tidak!!! Ku tak mahu clone!

    0 STAR because she's a clone. If she wasn't, I'd give her 3 STARS.

    HAFIZ - Lagu Kita (Aizat)

    Tone: Lovely tone.
    Performance: Nervous. But controlled.
    Interpretation: Lovely spirit. Very genuine and sincere.
    Delivery: Well placed tone, nice projection, good tuning. Nice support. Very natural singing. Got talent this one. Senang kerja Cikgu Siti Hajar!
    Entertainment: Bayangkan tetiba Mr. Manager menjerit dan mengejutkan makcik makcik Felda yang duduk belakang dia. Mesti meletops, kan?
    Mr. Manager says: Jom balik. Dah ada juara.

    4 STARS

    RINI - Elegi Sepi (Azharina)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: This was truly uninspired. If I was Azharina watching at home, I'd be throwing things at the television screen already.
    Interpretation: Ditto.
    Delivery: Pitch lari, tempo teragak agak. Susah.
    Entertainment: Membosankan.
    Mr. Manager says: Do we want another Heliza, gentle readers?

    0 STAR

    OBRI - Jeritan Batinku (P.Ramlee)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: Very nervous.
    Interpretation: Due to his nervousness, he lost it.
    Delivery: Yang ini pulak mengembara sampai gurun Sahara siap bawak balik unta tiga ekor.
    Entertainment: Painful to watch. So I looked at the floor instead.
    Mr. Manager says: Tajuk lagu dan bunyi lagu kurang lebih sama. Obri has to work very, very hard if he wants to stay in the competition.

    0 STAR

    AISHAH - Dan Sebenarnya (Yuna)

    Tone: Sedap wey!
    Performance: Confident, ada gaya, ada karisma! Macam Mila.
    Interpretation: I don't know this song but she sold it hook, line and sinker, babeh! Macam Stacy.
    Delivery: Good. But Acis should have played the song in a much higher key and allowed her sweet pot to shine even more. No major vocal or technical problems. She'll sail through to the finals. Macam Siti.
    Entertainment: I was distracted by the fact that she looks a lot like a cross between Rossa and Siti.
    Mr. Manager says: Siti Nurhaliza in the making? I'm serious, with the right song and the right grooming.

    3 STARS

    QHAUD - Phoenix Bangkit (M.Nasir)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: Confident and almost professional. Almost.
    Interpretation: Mawi trying to do M. Nasir.
    Delivery: Has a good grasp of all the basics. Now need to polish and shine.
    Entertainment: Ko ingat ko M. Nasir? It ended forgettable.
    Mr. Manager says: Do we need another Mawi wannabe? I don't think so.

    2 STARS

    RUBISA - Matahariku (Agnes Monica)

    Tone: Sedap yang teramat. Ko pakai buluh perindu ek? (Tak baik aku!)
    Performance: Confident and stylish.
    Interpretation: Kababoom!
    Delivery: Polished.
    Entertainment: She was definitely fantasising doing her own concert. And that's a good thing. This girl means business. Now please groom her or give her to me.
    Mr. Manager says: Welcome to the music industry, Rubisa. Oh, and see you in the finals too. Satu Sabah undi, kan.

    4 STARS

    ARIL - Rahasia Perempuan (Ari Lasso)

    Tone: Biasa biasa je.
    Performance: Over-Confident. Oh tidak.
    Interpretation: Rain versi Malaysia.
    Delivery: Cukup makan.
    Entertainment: Masa dalam Gangstarz musim pertama (ehem...bila saya jadi juri), budak ini tiru style Rain, penyanyi Korea. Tanya Riz dan Stacy. Sekarang pun nak tiru style Rain. Saw the same moves then, and again last night, and I'm sure we'll see the same moves again next week, and the next, and the next. Please don't get cliched. Give it some originality.
    Mr. Manager says: Recycle. (Ya ampun molot aku nie!)

    2 STARS

    Based on this first concert, I'd wager it's a year for the girls. The boys are all pretty average except for Hafiz who is miles ahead. Fan clubs, do not bash me nor seduce me. This is my personal opinion. You may agree, you may disagree. Lantaklah. There is a comment box at the end of this entry. Go spew, rant and rave there. Sesiapa nak cilok gambar, dipersilakan. Jangan lupa bagi link dan credit mention :-)

    OVERALL - The first concert was neither exciting nor boring. It was somewhere in the middle. I'll tell you why. There was no graph. A show should always start with a bang (this one didn't), end with a bang (this one didn't either) and have plenty of highs in between. I can't remember that many high points except when Hafiz stunned us all and Rubisa polished the floor and AC did the moon walk. The graph was inconsistent and if truth be told, almost flat-lining. I know the producers are reading this, and I'm giving you my honest take. The production saved the show with some funky and classy lighting. Keep the jury short and sweet, get new writers for AC's script, and remind your floor managers to be on the ball to keep the show tight, because it was pretty loose in some places. But it's just the first week. I'm sure everyone will pick up the pace as the season progresses.

    Insist on an excellent weekly repertoire because that's what makes the show come alive. Popular singalongs work. Unknown songs kill.

    Acis should spend time with the kids to get them singing in the RIGHT key, not too low or not too high. You want the kids to sound good and show off their best range. Invest in this, please. It'll pay.

    from http://mrmanager.blogspot.com

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